06 November 2008

10 October 2008

If You Can't Say Something Good...

When I was young, my Mom impressed upon me the importance of telling the truth and to be wary of others who were not honest. She told me that if a person would lie to me about one thing, they might lie about anything. I've always found that to be factual.

I guess John McCain and Sarah Palin's mothers never gave them the same advice as my Mom gave me. Pity. From all I've learned, this speaks volumes about the character of the two people the Republican Party has chosen as their candidates for POTUS and VP. What a shame.

Looking at the news each day, I look to see what the candidates of each party has to say about their plans for our nation. All I've been reading from the McCain/Palin side is attacks and remarks about how their opponent is "wrong" for America...I don't hear them telling me what makes them "right" for our nation. I've heard John McCain talk about his honor, but the way he is running his campaign shows me that if he ever had any, he's lost it somewhere along the way.

I've become cynical over the years, and I don't automatically believe everything someone tells me, so I spend a lot of time throughout this election process looking at fact check sites and information from various sources. I sincerely hope other voters are doing the same thing.

Originally, I had people telling me that Barack Obama was a Muslim. (Actually, I still have a couple people at work who try to tell me this one.) I looked it up. Turns out, Obama is a Christian, just like me. I thought that was cool...something he and I have in common. When Reverend Wright became an issue, or rather was made an issue by the Rovian operatives of the RNC and McCain/Palin campaign, I listened to how Obama would react to the matter. I have to say, I was impressed by his Christian behavior of condemning what his pastor had said, while still standing up for his friend. When Reverend Wright persisted in running his mouth, Obama made the break from the church and Reverend Wright, which must have been a painful decision for him. Reverend Wright has his own agenda, and Senator Obama has showed by his words and actions that he does not support that agenda.

Lately, the McCain/Palin campaign has been saying a lot of stuff about Obama not being "like us" and possibly being "dangerous" as a choice for the presidency. To illustrate this, they have tried to connect Senator Obama to William Ayers.

I'm just a year older than Barack Obama, and I didn't know who Bill Ayers was or what he had done when he was younger. I supposed that because Obama was moving in different circles than I, perhaps he at some point learned about the Ayers history. I understand that by the time Barack actually met Mr. Ayers, the later was working as a college professor and was respected in the community. In other words, Mr. Ayers wasn't involved in domestic terrorist activities and had become a law-abiding citizen. He wasn't in trouble with the law or anything like that. As far as I can tell, this makes Obama guilty of hanging around with a teacher. My mother-in-law is a teacher. Should I be worried?

Another lesson from my childhood is that I should treat people in a manner based on how they treat me. I was taught that it's not my job to sit in judgment on another person...that, my Mother told me, was God's job. Makes sense to me that Barack Obama, being a Christian, probably chose to relate to Mr. Ayers in this way. One more thing I can respect about him.

Over the past eight years, I've lived through the RNC's and the Bush Administration's effective use of fear as a weapon against the American people. I watched throughout the last presidential election as some terror threat or another seemed to materialize every time John Kerry pulled ahead in the polls. I fell for the "smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud" crap the Bush laid on us all, and I believed Colin Powell when he presented the "evidence" before the UN of Iraq's WMDs. (In defense of Mr. Powell, I believe he was used by the Rove/Bush/Cheney machine, and I know he regrets that now.)

I can't help wondering if someone has ever given John and Sarah the URLs for the fact checker websites. I heard that Senator McCain isn't up on computer use and the internet, but obviously Mrs. Palin is since I heard about her getting her Yahoo email hacked and all that. Maybe she could look the information up and print it out so John can read it over.

Honestly, I don't believe for a second that John McCain and Sarah Palin aren't aware of the facts about Barack Obama. I know they've been informed. That tells me that either they have chosen to ignore the facts, which speaks to me of their judgment, or they are deliberately pushing lies about Obama, which tells me a lot about their character. Either way, they seem to me to be the ones who are "wrong" for America as leaders.

I don't know how YOU were raised, but if McCain and Palin would lie to the American people about one thing, they would lie to us about anything else. After being lied to by Bush & Co. for eight years, I surely do not want more of the same.

03 October 2008

The VP Debate

In preparing to watch the vice presidential debate last night, I read a lot of different articles about what people were looking for from Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin. The general consensus seemed to be that Senator Biden had to be careful not to seem "sexist" and guard against putting his foot in his mouth. On the other hand, Governor Palin just had to show up, keep breathing, and put at least one complete sentence together. I guess they both accomplished their goals and met those expectations.

Now, I have to admit that I went into the debate having already made up my mind to vote for Barack Obama, and at this point, there is very little that could change my mind. I didn't feel strongly one way or the other about Senator Obama's decision to choose Senator Biden as his running mate. I respect Senator Biden, but I am not totally familiar with him either. I've listened to him on the campaign trail, and I've grown to appreciate his experience and views, and I like the way he speaks from the heart. I have not known him to be fake or knowingly dishonest.

Joe Biden totally convinced me tonight that I'm backing the right ticket! Joe ROCKS!!!

The contrast between Senator Biden and Governor Palin was striking. Senator Biden had facts; Governor Palin had talking points. Senator Biden answered questions with facts and solid policy plans that he and Senator Obama have put forth. Governor Palin offered no solid plans from her side, but instead spoke in very general, vague terms.

When Governor Palin did try to inject facts into her responses, she got them wrong. She called Gen. David McKiernan, the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, "McClellan." Governor Palin also got her facts wrong when she tried to correct Senator Biden about what General McKiernan had said about the use of the surge principle in Iraq not working in Afghanistan. Thursday's Washington Post reported, "The new top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said yesterday that more U.S. troops are urgently required to combat a worsening insurgency, but he stated emphatically that no Iraq-style “surge” of forces will end the conflict there. “The word I don't use for Afghanistan is 'surge,' ” McKiernan emphasized.""

Now, Governor Palin obviously studied very hard this past week, and she did much better than in her interview with Katie Couric, but some of her "lines" she must have worked TOO hard in preparing. I mean, who wasn't expecting the slam on the media? And the, "Say it ain't so, Joe." You could tell she was eager to get that line in somewhere. While I'm on the subject of "debate camp", does it bother anyone else that she's had to spend a week, sequestered with Bush speech writers, to study for this event? She's running for the second highest office in the nation, not "cramming" for the final college exams. (And, I repeat, BUSH speech writers. I thought she and Senator McCain were trying to distance themselves from Bush. ???)

Today, I've been listening and reading the spin after the debate. I heard that Governor Palin, feeling quite pleased with herself after her performance last night, had a problem with Katie Couric not asking enough "issue-based" questions. Translation: "Well, gee! Katie didn't ask me the questions I had studied! Darn right it's Katie's fault that I couldn't put a coherent sentence together! That elite media, god bless 'em, just don't treat me like the wonderfully qualified hockey mom that I am!" Poor Sarah. :(

Sorry, I got off subject a little there, but it's all getting more than a bit ridiculous to me. I'm tired of "folksy" presented as a replacement for substance, proximity to a foreign nation supposedly substituting for foreign policy experience, and winks and "shout outs" standing in for actually answering the questions that are asked of someone who wants to be a heartbeat away from the highest office in our nation.

Like I said at the start of this, I have already made up my mind, and I don't foresee anything, at this point, that could change my mind. It was a good night to be an Obama/Biden supporter, though, because Senator Joe Biden did us all proud. I feel absolutely confident that if for any reason Senator Barack Obama would not be able to complete his term(s) as our president, Senator Biden is quite capable and qualified to step up to the plate and lead our nation.

And, darn it, Mrs. Palin, god bless her, can just go right back up there to Alaska and keep an eye out for us all in case "Putin rears his head" at some point. Wink, wink.

05 September 2008

I Love Jon Stewart

03 September 2008

My Rant

I get SO tired of the "spin" that the McCain/Republican team is putting out. I'm especially disgusted with the swirl around Sarah Palin.

She's supposed to be about "ethics". Okay. Fine. But, then we find out that she's being investigated for abuse of power, she "flip-flopped" and wasn't entirely honest about the "bridge to nowhere" thing, her 17-year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant, and there were other questionable issues in her political and person background.

Many McCain/Republican surrogates are slamming CNN's Campbell Brown for trying to make Tucker Bounds, a McCain surrogate, stick to the questions that she asked concerning Palin's experience in being "commander-in-chief" of the Alaskan National Guard. Mr. Bounds tried the usual duck&cover tactics used by politicians, and Ms. Brown stuck to her guns. He, of course, couldn't give an adequate answer to the question, basically because Palin didn't have to make any decisions and has NO C-I-C experience.

I just really admire Ms. Brown for her journalistic dedication. She was doing her job, and was doing it well. We need more journalists like her.

I agree that the candidates' children should be "off limits". But, while McCain/Palin are declaring Palin's pregnant daughter "off limits," they don't hesitate to use photo ops of McCain with the daughter and her boyfriend for their own purposes. Disgusting. Double-standard. Typical Republican. Maybe, just maybe, if Palin had been more realistic about sex-education issues, instead of thinking that all we need to teach our children is "abstinence," her having a pregnant teen at home wouldn't be an issue for her right now.

The "bridge to nowhere"? Palin supported it while she was running for office. After she won the election, she became an opponent. She says she told Washington, "...thanks, but no thanks." Actually, she DID take the money, but she used the funds for something else!

Palin claims to be against lobbyists, but she hired one to work for her administration once she was in office.

Palin comes from a church that has a pastor who told his congregants that their eternal souls may have been in danger if they voted for John Kerry in the last election or if they were critical of George W. Bush. Palin has said that she believes America is on a mission from God in fighting the war in Iraq. Her pastor isn't much different that the jihadists who think it's okay to kill in the name of God! (Can you say "nutjob?" I knew you could.)

All this debate about a woman being able to hold the position of president or vice president... Of course a woman could do the job, but not just any woman. I've supported Barack Obama since John Edwards dropped out of the race. Though I admire Hillary Clinton, I did not support her bid for the Democratic nomination for president. I DID think she could have been a good choice as Obama's VP. I thought she totally rocked the convention with her speech, and I strongly feel Barack Obama should not only employ Mrs. Clinton in a major role in his campaign, but also in his administration. It would be foolish of him to do otherwise.

That being said, I find it absurd that the Republicans think that all those who supported Mrs. Clinton would suddenly jump on board for Palin, simply because she's a woman. How stupid do they think women are? SARAH PALIN IS CERTAINLY NO HILLARY CLINTON!!! Palin is SO opposite of everything for which Mrs. Clinton stands! Mrs. Clinton has paid her dues; Ms. Palin has a long way to go on that front.

It will be such a relief to have this election over with so that we can just be looking forward to W. packing up and going back to his ranch, while we watch President Obama take the oath of office and get our nation back on track.


A Journalist Doing Her Job!

All she did was ask the guy a reasonable, pertainent question. He couldn't answer the question! Now, Campbell Brown is getting slammed by the Republican/McCain surrogates? What's wrong with this picture?

After all the complaints leveled at the media for being biased and for not digging into the issues, this is absolutely ridiculous. Ms. Brown was doing her job, and I applaud her for that.

16 March 2008

I'm sure everyone has heard the controversial remarks made by Rev. Wright, the pastor of the church the Obama family attends. Senator Obama addressed those remarks, and we need to make sure everyone hears what he has to say also.

Please, watch the video and then do what our next President asks...pass this video on to ever person you know. Thanks.



07 March 2008

NAFTAgate New Information (Too late for Ohio)

Here's a new twist on a not-so-old theme:

Yesterday's edition of the Toronto Star reported new information on the "NAFTA-gate" story that Hillary Clinton used effectively to sway the opinion of voters in Ohio.

You recall Mrs. Clinton using the story to accuse that Barack Obama was "telling one story to Ohio" while "his campaign was telling a different story to Canada." John McCain, of course, jumped on Hillary's bandwagon, criticizing Senator Obama.

GUESS WHAT! The story in the Canadian Press now reveals that it was NOT the Obama team who was practicing double-speak. In fact, it was the Clinton campaign that was doing exactly what they had blamed on the Obama camp.

You can read the Toronto Star article here:
How Harper's Aide Sparked NAFTA Flap.

Those of you familiar with my previous posts know how I felt about the attempts of Hillary supporter and Machinist's Union leader, Tom Buffenbarger, to dismiss and stereotype Obama's supporters as "latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies." Well, it didn't surprise me that Mr. Buffenbarger was back on the attack toward Senator Obama, saying, "Working families cannot trust a candidate who telegraphs his real position to a foreign government and then dissembles in a nationally televised debate."

Paul Loeb, on the Huffington Post, states that these attacks, without question, made a difference in the outcome of the votes in Ohio. You can read his whole take on the situation here:
Did Clinton Win Ohio On A Lie?

So, it would seem that Obama lost Ohio by taking the blame for what Clinton actually did, and, in part because Ohio Machinist's Union head Tom Buffenbarger ran ads disrespecting Obama supporters and furthering the dishonesty of Clinton campaign.

Please join us in showing we are not stereotypes and that we are not going to fall for the Clinton lies, by joining The Obama Baby Club Group and posting YOUR "beverage-transport-shoe-livelihood description."

Any "latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies" are more than welcome, and so are the rest of us. Donations are appreciated, but not manditory. (Remember, Hillary is the one with the "mandate.")

There's a tough battle ahead in Pennsylvania, and it's going to take all of our determination, dedication and generosity to keep this grassroots movement going ahead. We know what's at stake, and this is just one more example of the reasons we must send Barack Obama to the White House for the next 4, better yet, 8 years.


Verna from Waynesburg, PA (a.k.a. "Code Red Mt. Dew-drinking, old Volvo-driving, tennis shoe on one foot/brace on the other 'cause I broke the ankle a month ago-wearing, got to get back to driving the bus 'cause there's no trust fund"
Obama Baby!)

24 February 2008

Views of a "Code Red-drinking, Volvo-driving, tennis shoe-wearing, working-to-make-a-living/there's-no-trust fund baby

In the debate last Thursday night, our next President, Barack Obama, touched on a subject that I take personally: specifically, HRC's "get real" comments, and the statements of some of her supporters that I and my fellow Obama supporters are somehow "delusional". I'd like to share the views of a "Code Red-drinking, Volvo-driving, tennis shoe-wearing, working-to-make-a-living/there's-no-trust fund baby."

To put it simply, THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS!!!

I'm not good with numbers, so I don't spend a lot of time looking at the statistics of who is or is not voting for a particular candidate. The one statistic that I do find interesting is that, as was the case with the last presidential election, the higher the educational level of the individual, the more likely he/she is to vote for Barack Obama.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that people with more education are any smarter or more intelligent than those who may not have had the opportunity to continue into higher levels of education. What I am saying is that people who have had that opportunity are more likely to look at any given situation more closely, have been exposed to a wider range of views, and have had the chance to explore the world a bit more deeply. They are also more likely to look at a broader range of sources before making a decision, and are less likely to just simply take somebody else's word for something.

I don't have a college degree, but I do have education beyond high school. My work history includes being the administrative secretary for a local ARC (Association for Retarded Citizens), volunteer work for the American Cancer Society (office worker) and the local Hospice (phone solicitations), office staff and residential monitor for a half-way house for women in early recovery from drugs and alcohol, and currently, driving a motor coach/tour bus for a national carrier.

My husband is a historian, his area of expertise being the American Civil War. He has taught me a great deal. My family background includes many nationalities. Some of my ancestors were here to welcome others of my family tree to the New World. I have a thirst for knowledge and information, and having a personal history of having made some really "bone-headed" decisions in my past, I've tried to learn to get all of the information I can on any given subject before making a final decision.

I don't like "labels" that some try to put on other people, but accept that this has become a part of our society. I have been labeled "liberal," and our Greene County for Obama group's member, Birdalone, covered that topic quite eloquently in an earlier post. I consider myself to be a "moderate" since I shy away from extremists of any sort, and believe that there are AT LEAST two sides to every issue. I suppose I would classify myself as an "optimistic skeptic" in most areas, though I prefer the term "realist." I don't take any one's word for anything!

In the time leading up to this campaign, having had a chance to get to know John Edwards in the previous presidential election, he was my first choice this time around. I had still paid attention to the other candidates. I listened to HRC change her tune and tone on her stance on the War in Iraq. Since she listed her time as first lady in her resume as "experience" that qualifies her for becoming president, I took a look at what she did. I wasn't impressed, though I respect her strength. I had to take into consideration the target that she and President Clinton (who I believe was a very good president) presented to the Republican Machine, and while I don't think they deserved all the criticism they got, they certainly did give their critics a ton of ammunition.

Before his keynote speech to the Democratic Convention in 2004, I didn't know anything about Barack Obama. I set out to learn about him, and have no hesitation in saying that I have discovered him to be everything he presents himself to be. He's REAL. There's nothing fake about him, that I can find. He works toward the goals he believes in, and he believes in as I do, the promise of what our great nation can be. He is NOT just words. He puts his ideas into action, to the best of his ability. He turned out to be exactly what he first appeared to me to be.

HOPE. Despite my education and life-experience, I am puzzled by one thing. Could someone please explain to me what Hillary and her supporters seem to have against "hope"? I suspect that they wouldn't think it was such a bad thing if HRC was the one who had the ability to inspire that intangible quality in others. She doesn't have it. Yes, she has been involved in politics longer than Obama, but what does that offer? Change? Progress? Hope? I'm sorry, but that's not what I see when I look at the evidence.

I choose to make an informed decision. I choose to look at the history and the evidence for myself. I choose to cast my vote for the person who is best able to lead our country in the direction that it has been diverted from by the current administration and those who have used their power to allow them to do so. I choose the person who will bring our men and women in uniform out of Bush's bastard war, and refocus our attention on bringing to justice those who attacked our nation in 2001. I choose the person who will be a true leader and begin to work with the leaders of our neighbors in the world community, from a position of mutual respect, instead of a position of bull-headed obstinacy. I choose the person who will make affordable health care available to ALL of our citizens, without using a stick to force us into compliance. I choose the candidate who knows how to unite people in a movement to get things accomplished, without having to sell out to special interests and big business.

I choose HOPE. I choose Barack Obama.

Thanks for letting me share.

Always, Verna C.

19 February 2008

Just given the gift of Peace Pilgrim!

I was just given a gift by someone I don't even know, and I'd like to pass the gift on to you.

While I was reading posts in my Obama '08 groups, I came across a post about Peace Pilgrim and a quote from her. I'd never heard of her before, so I clicked the link in the message and started reading.

How amazing this woman was! What a powerful message and life! What a gift!

If you've never heard of Peace Pilgrim before, I hope you'll take a look at her story.

Always, Verna

18 February 2008

My thoughts on "Experience"

I've been driving a charter bus all over the east coast for about five years now. Without fail, there's usually one passenger in every group who feels the need to tell me how to do my job, i.e., what routes to take, where to park, which lane to be in, etc. When I ask them how long they've been driving a passenger bus, the answer is always that they haven't, but they've been going on tours and trips on buses for years. They've never been in the seat and really have no idea what's involved in doing my job, but because they've been along on some trips in the past, they think they know how to do it. Hhhhmm.

Every time I hear Hillary or her supporters talk about all her experience, I think of my "experienced" passengers. Other than being a US Senator since 2000, she doesn't REALLY have that much more time on-the-job than Barack Obama. When you look at time in public office, Hillary actually has LESS!

Senator Obama was a state senator for eight years, and is now going on his third year as a US senator. That's a total of nearly eleven years. Mrs. Clinton, on the other hand, has been a US senator for just over seven years. Now, I'm not real good with numbers, but even I know that eleven is more than seven!

Hillary claims that because she was "along for the ride" when Bill was a governor and the president, that she somehow has more experience. Uh, yeah, okay. Let's get this straight: being ON the bus and actually DRIVING the bus are two totally different things. I mean, with whom would you rather travel...someone who's actually been doing the driving, or someone who thinks they know what to do because they've been a passenger a long time???

I'm really surprised that somebody hasn't brought this up before, and why Mrs. Clinton hasn't been called on this.

She really has to stretch to make herself look better. It seems to me that the more she tries to make herself look like the wiser choice, the more she shows character traits that make me more sure of my support for Senator Barack Obama. She also reminds me of the commercial for a popular hotel chain...

Hillary: 'My time as 1st lady makes me qualified to lead the greatest nation on the planet." Uh huh,...and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Give me a break.

So, does America really want someone with EXPERIENCE, or someone who was simply ALONG FOR THE RIDE? For me, I think we better let Barack Obama drive.

Always, Verna

15 February 2008

Things to do while you have a broken ankle...

While it's driving me absolutely crazy to be spending most of my time on the sofa with my foot in a boot, I have found a few things to do with my time...this blog being one of them. I thought I'd share some of them here.

My main activities revolve around the upcoming presidential elections, primaries and general. I feel very strongly that our nation needs to move in a more positive direction than it has for the past seven years...maybe longer. That's why I'm supporting Barack Obama for president. I believe he is the most promising candidate of those from which we have to choose. I also believe Senator Obama is the most honest of the candidates, and that is something we have been lacking in our current president and his administration.

If you believe as I do and would like to get involved (every single American SHOULD be involved!), please visit Senator Obama's campaign website and sign up and lend a hand. You can do this at OBAMA '08. You can find friends in your area and get involved with groups, either nationally or locally.

Another site I've been spending a bit of time on is CARE2.COM. It's another way to get involved with issues that are of concern to people who are paying attention to what's going on in our world. There are some really nice people on there, and it's a way for us to make a difference.

I feel that it's important to be an informed voter, so I've looked up a few ways to do that. A couple of sites I've found are PROJECT VOTE SMART and GOVTRACK.US. Project Vote Smart is a tool to find information on any and all of our government officials and candidates. Govtrack.us is for "tracking the 110th United States Congress", as the subtitle of the site states, and allows users to keep up-to-date on their senators and congressmen, as well as legislation and bills being considered in Congress. Very cool sites!

The other thing I've been doing is playing with my new email program, IncrediMail. It's fun and you can find lots of user created stationery, and even make your own originals. It includes stationery, notifiers, animations, sounds, e-cards, and skins. It's so fun! You can have tons of fun with the free version, or you can go all out and get the premium version. (I just HAD to, ya know.)

So, thanks for letting me ramble on a bit. Please check out some or all of the sites that I've mentioned, if you have a chance.

Always, Verna

10 February 2008

What I've Been Up To Lately

My husband, Doug, and I have been remodeling our home. A week ago I thought I'd save him some work and change the burned out light bulb in our second floor hallway. High ceilings, an uncooperative chair, and a lack of coordination on my part resulted in a broken ankle. Ouch! I've spent a lot of time on the sofa with my laptop, reading current events, playing games, and getting more familiar with all the tools offered by Google these days. I've been having a great time, except for the pain in my leg, ankle and foot. Last night I wandered in here.

For some time now, I've been discouraged about our national condition. I listened to the sitting President as he gave us his version of the State of the Union. I didn't vote for the guy to begin with, and I've agreed with very little of what he's said and done since he got into office. I'm now to the point of just waiting him out. The one truly positive thing about this upcoming presidential election, in my opinion, is that "he" can't run again! I'm SO grateful for that fact.

My parents raised me to believe that honesty is one of the most essential values one must have. I have a real problem with dishonest people. That is exactly where all my problems with the current occupant of the White House began! I HATE being lied to, and he's done so much of it throughout the past seven years that I don't know how anyone can stand to even listen to him anymore! I just want him to have a safe trip back to the ranch...SOON!

So, I've been paying a great deal of attention to politics lately. That's probably what this blog is going to focus on for at least a while. I've been talking to people online and reading what others have to say. I've been listening to the candidates during the debates and interviews. I've been keeping an eye on the "side shows" too, and have learned a lot about the character of the candidates from the way they participate in the "game". It's totally fancinating and informative, and, sometimes, entertaining.

Let's see where this blog goes, if anywhere at all. I'm not getting too far from the sofa in the very near future, obviously. Please feel free to participate by commenting, stopping by for a chat or an email, or contributing. This is a time when everyone of us should be involved in some way or another with what's' happening in and to our nation.

Thanks for letting me share.