16 March 2008

I'm sure everyone has heard the controversial remarks made by Rev. Wright, the pastor of the church the Obama family attends. Senator Obama addressed those remarks, and we need to make sure everyone hears what he has to say also.

Please, watch the video and then do what our next President asks...pass this video on to ever person you know. Thanks.



07 March 2008

NAFTAgate New Information (Too late for Ohio)

Here's a new twist on a not-so-old theme:

Yesterday's edition of the Toronto Star reported new information on the "NAFTA-gate" story that Hillary Clinton used effectively to sway the opinion of voters in Ohio.

You recall Mrs. Clinton using the story to accuse that Barack Obama was "telling one story to Ohio" while "his campaign was telling a different story to Canada." John McCain, of course, jumped on Hillary's bandwagon, criticizing Senator Obama.

GUESS WHAT! The story in the Canadian Press now reveals that it was NOT the Obama team who was practicing double-speak. In fact, it was the Clinton campaign that was doing exactly what they had blamed on the Obama camp.

You can read the Toronto Star article here:
How Harper's Aide Sparked NAFTA Flap.

Those of you familiar with my previous posts know how I felt about the attempts of Hillary supporter and Machinist's Union leader, Tom Buffenbarger, to dismiss and stereotype Obama's supporters as "latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies." Well, it didn't surprise me that Mr. Buffenbarger was back on the attack toward Senator Obama, saying, "Working families cannot trust a candidate who telegraphs his real position to a foreign government and then dissembles in a nationally televised debate."

Paul Loeb, on the Huffington Post, states that these attacks, without question, made a difference in the outcome of the votes in Ohio. You can read his whole take on the situation here:
Did Clinton Win Ohio On A Lie?

So, it would seem that Obama lost Ohio by taking the blame for what Clinton actually did, and, in part because Ohio Machinist's Union head Tom Buffenbarger ran ads disrespecting Obama supporters and furthering the dishonesty of Clinton campaign.

Please join us in showing we are not stereotypes and that we are not going to fall for the Clinton lies, by joining The Obama Baby Club Group and posting YOUR "beverage-transport-shoe-livelihood description."

Any "latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies" are more than welcome, and so are the rest of us. Donations are appreciated, but not manditory. (Remember, Hillary is the one with the "mandate.")

There's a tough battle ahead in Pennsylvania, and it's going to take all of our determination, dedication and generosity to keep this grassroots movement going ahead. We know what's at stake, and this is just one more example of the reasons we must send Barack Obama to the White House for the next 4, better yet, 8 years.


Verna from Waynesburg, PA (a.k.a. "Code Red Mt. Dew-drinking, old Volvo-driving, tennis shoe on one foot/brace on the other 'cause I broke the ankle a month ago-wearing, got to get back to driving the bus 'cause there's no trust fund"
Obama Baby!)